I was born and raised in Houston, TX with my mother, father, twin sister, and younger sister. I earned my B.S. in Mathematics from Sam Houston State University in 2018 and am currently a third-year Ph.D. student in Math at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I hope to start research in Knot Theory within the next year!
While math was something I always enjoyed, it wasn’t until I took Calculus I in high school that I learned that math was something I could be excited and passionate about. Without my high school calculus teacher sharing his excitement for math with us, I’m not sure that I would have found my passion for math. When I started my math major at SHSU, I became a part of a supportive department full of faculty who encouraged me to apply for conferences, REU’s, and other programs they knew would support my growth as a mathematician. But perhaps the most impactful of these experiences was the Emerging Scholars Program REU at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Being exposed to research and Knot Theory for the first time made me even more excited and more passionate about learning math and being a part of the community. But more importantly, it showed me that the community of mathematicians is so diverse; that I do belong in it. I became a more confident, grounded, and passionate mathematician. Lastly, tutoring in the math center my last two years of undergrad ignited my passion for teaching and math education. As I progress through my math career, I hope to become a more active member of the Math Ed community.
Words of wisdom: If you are tired, go to bed. Always.
I’d like to take a moment to promote/give a shoutout to the EDGE program and thank the community of Woman Math Warriors who continue to support me on my math journey!